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Lightspeed Skirt panel safety system

Lightspeed Skirt panel safety system

The optical detection system will shut down the installation when something gets trapped between the skirt panel and step or between the steps. It does not react to when the skirt panel is kicked and functions across the entire skirt panel even if this is damaged. The system can be finely tuned and 0.01mm of movement is enough to activate.

Lightspeed Comb plate safety system

Lightspeed Comb plate safety system

The optical detection system will shut down the installation when something gets trapped between the comb plate and the steps. It functions in all directions and also when the comb plates are stuck. The system can be finely tuned and 0.01 mm of movement is enough to activate.

Lightspeed Start / stop system

Lightspeed Start / stop system

The optical detection system under the floorplate functions as an automatic / stand-by operation for the installation. The system can be finely tuned and 0.01mm of movement is enough to activate.

Custom made floor plates

Custom made floor plates

Our years of experience with escalators have brought home to us the need for custom made solutions for floor plates. Mulder Montage has the expertise and technology in house to develop designs to meet client needs.

Introduction Lightspeed Skirtpanel..

Introduction Lightspeed Skirtpanel..

In this video it is shown how the "Lightspeed Skirtpanel Safety System" works, and how it reacts to trapment.



There is an increased risk of slipping by people using escalators and moving walks. Mulder Montage has developed the ultimate anti-slip treatment. By placing an anti-slip layer on the standing areas of the treads, the roughened surface creates anti-slip properties. The anti-slip effect is affected hardly or not at all by wear. Applying the anti-slip treatment can be done in the factory, but also on location

LED lighting

LED lighting

Mulder Montage have the expertise, experience and the right products in house to bring escalator and moving walk illumination to a whole new level with the use of LED lighting.

Reactivation system

Reactivation system

The detection system is a combination of sensors mounted in the balustrade skirt combined with a software unit (PLC) with a touch screen mounted inside the installation. These sensors will accurately detect if an object or person is positioned on the installation. With this information the system can perform multiple actions.

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